May 11: Empowerment is the degree of strength and confidence that enables people to stand with authority for their interests. It is for every male and female to become stronger, more confident, and take control of their actions.
Men play a vital role in women’s empowerment by thinking beyond the conventional orthodox belief toward women and supporting them psychologically and socially instead of fastening them into shackles.
Gradually women are earning many accolades emerging as successful entrepreneurs getting involved in business not only for survival but to showcase their creativity and prove their capabilities.
Mr. Saubhagyaa R Swain is a protagonist who has been working on elementary education for girls and women empowerment by starting a project “Social entrepreneurship and economic empowerment of women in India.” The project focuses on the foundation’s work in changing the contexts around the World. It is aiming to make an impact on the highlighted issues through three sustained interventions at the educational, social and economic levels. It also looks forward to encouraging women’s participation in decision-making:
- Educational Empowerment- To empower women with the knowledge, skills and values they need to build a better world for them and society at local and national levels. This is giving females a determination to use their physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual resources to stand for themselves.
- Social Empowerment- This intervention is working on the development of a sense of autonomy and self-confidence. It addresses the prevailing gender norms and improves women’s position in civil, economic, and social domains.
- Economic Empowerment- Through this project, Vincitore Group is aiming on the legal and social reforms for strengthening the monetary condition of women. It is empowering the capacity of women to recognise the value of their contributions and respect their dignity.
The project is also setting up a psychology based “mindset” training program that consists of skills like exploring new opportunities, goal setting, planning, and overcoming obstacles and improving the women entrepreneurs in business performance and their personal initiation. This training program is incessantly running in Orissa, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu addressing the women who are facing deeper psychological and social constraints.
Under the training project, we are conducting awareness drive to empower the marginalized groups or under privileged women of the society, by bringing the awareness regarding the initiative taken by the government towards the women empowerment. The Indian Government has launched various policies, programs, and incentive schemes to promote women entrepreneurs. Such encouragement and incentive schemes have induced women to undertake business comfortably. Some institutions assess women in their start-ups, and commercial banks have also come up with financial assistance for women entrepreneurs. Both Central and State Governments provide infrastructural facilities, raw materials, tax exemptions, special grants, subsidies, and concessions to women entrepreneurs. The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises of the Indian government has emerged as the torchbearers of women empowerment. The Udyogini Scheme was launched under the Women Development Corporation to encourage poor women entrepreneurs. Other government schemes are the Bhartiya Mahila bank, Annapurna scheme, Stree Shakti, etc.
There is no chance for world welfare unless the condition of women is improved. A bird cannot fly on only one wing, once quoted by Swami Vivekananda. The message conveys that women have the potential and play a vital role in the economic development of the family and country. However, everyone must understand the value of gender equality as a necessary step for a prosperous and sustainable world. Family and government must look forward to the encouragement and supporting women. India needs to empower its colossal women force into a human resource.