Shreya Betgeri, Wonder girl & Rising Star


Art gives meaning to our lives and helps us understand our surroundings. It is an essential part of our well being as it allows us to have a deeper understanding of self & the environment.

Shreya Betgeri is currently 15 years and packs a punch. She is talented & her philosophy is firmly built on the belief system of practice makes perfect and there is no substitute for hard work. She pursues other interests like dance, singing, skating and modeling.

Shreya Betgeri is Bangalore based & she started quite early, at age 7 yrs where she started showing an interest in drawing. Subsequently, she started to develop an interest in designing & creating mural art based name plates. Pursuing art has its own benefits & Shreya has experienced this first hand. It has helped her improve her concentration & attention span on the academic front.

Mural art work involves creating art using wood as a base material. Themes and design are envisioned & sketched. Ceramic clay is prepared and individual components are hand crafted & positioned atop the board. Later work involves painting with acrylic colour shades to create a 3D effect. Till date more than 100+ gift articles have been created and shared with her friends, teachers and relatives as a token of love & gratitude.

Appreciation & motivation knows no bounds. She participated in Kalangana 2021 & won the 2nd Prize.
She has successfully participated & completed Drawing Proficiency “Madhya Level” from Ravindra Bharathi Institute scoring 85% and has won accolades every year in Drawing competition held across School & external forums

Shreya Won National Level 1st prize in Dr. APJ Kalam Award for Mural art work in 2023.

Shreya loves to make clay based Ganesha Idol every year during Ganesh Chaturthi along with her grandfather. She loves modelling, Skating, singing, dancing & playing Piano.

Shreya believes that hard work can help an individual achieve their dreams & passion is the key to success.