New Speculative Fiction Novel “Tathaastu” by Virren Kumar Patel Sheds Light on Corruption and Organized Crime

New Delhi (India), June 6: Astitva Prakashan proudly announces the release of “Tathaastu”, a compelling speculative fiction novel by authors Virren Kumar Patel, Dr. Deepak Patil, and Rahul Thawait. This riveting work delves into the dark underbelly of corruption and organized crime, with a particular focus on job scams in the employment sector. Set against […]

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Captivating Autobiography “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You” by Yashoda Khilwani Unveils a Remarkable Journey of Triumph and Resilience

New Delhi (India), January 12: “A Life Full of Accolades, A Life of Waiting for You,” an enthralling autobiography penned by the talented author Yashoda Khilwani. This deep introspective narrative unfolds against the backdrop of Yashoda’s life, inviting readers on a soulful journey that traverses the highs and lows of her extraordinary existence. From her […]

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Bestselling Author Aman Talwar reveals her Pen Name as ‘Shreya Talwar’ to be used in further publications – Read Complete Literary Journey

New Delhi (India), February 24: Author-Poet Aman Talwar, aka Shreya Talwar, is someone who started her writing journey as an ‘Article Writer’ and today has reached the height of becoming a ‘Best-Selling Author!’ Well, her work is deeply loved & appreciated by the readers’ community, and she is known for her books ‘The Hidden Gems and ‘Weaving Emotions.’ Interestingly, Author Shreya Talwar’s latest release, ‘The […]

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