Subham Darjee – The young entrepreneur from Odisha soaring high with his multiple businesses


Indeed, young entrepreneurs’ ambition and leadership are on the rise. Entrepreneurship is a field where innovation and creativity come together to form influential entrepreneurs like Subham Darjee, who, since the young age of 21, carved out his own path to success through sheer grit and patience. He is truly inspiring.

The 30-year-old entrepreneur Subham Darjee is the founder of various branded names such as Sky Lounge Café, Being Strong Fitness Club, Sai Developers, and many more. Born and brought up in the Balangir District of Odisha, Subham Darjee was always inclined towards entrepreneurship since childhood. Belonging to a humble middle-class business family background, Subham is a personality with an ambitious mind, innovative thinking, and audacious nature that pushed him to come out on top in the world of business.

In the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey, Shubham overcame a number of obstacles and followed his passion while remaining committed to his objectives. He never gave up on his entrepreneurial dreams, though. Only through his perseverance, commitment, and hard work was he able to grow and expand his company while overcoming every obstacle. His desire to create a prosperous empire is still burning bright. Only his passion is enabling him to meet challenges on a daily basis.

Subham is always improving his physique and way of living. A fitness enthusiast, Subham has organised many men’s and women state level body building competitions in Balangir District. Being a young entrepreneur and a fitness enthusiast can be difficult. Both require a significant investment of time, energy, and commitment, but the benefits are enormous. From his early years, Shubham has had a passion for physical fitness. He always had a passion for sports which gave him the opportunity to build a strong and healthy body. This further motivated him to open his own gym to assist others in striking a balance between their physical and mental well-being.

He says, “Maintaining good physical health is not just important for one’s personal well-being, but it can also boost one’s professional performance.”

Through his commitment to entrepreneurship, Subham Darjee has established a reputation for himself. For many young people who want to succeed in their own lives, he has grown to be an inspiration. The journey of Subham serves as proof that anything is achievable with effort and tenacity. Those who want to accomplish great things in their own lives can find inspiration in his story.