October 19: The trailer of the film Addiction was released on Sunday evening. The director of the film Ram Raja Dwivedi told that actor Andy Arora and actress Aparna Paranjape will be seen in the lead roles of the film. During the program, the film’s producer and lead actress Aparna Paranjape told that very soon this film will be released for the audience.
The film’s writer and director Ram Raja Dwivedi told the media that he always wanted to work on a unique concept. From writing to direction, he has worked hard with the entire team on the film Addiction. The story of the film revolves around the dark web, drugs and addiction of girls.
The film’s producer and lead actress Aparna Paranjape told that she is playing the role of Maaya in this film. She said that this role has been the most challenging for her in her acting career so far. The actress told that Maya’s character is the character of a bold girl, who is indulging in drugs and other habits.
Actor Andy Arora said that his experience as the lead actor in the film was very good. The actor said that writer-director Ram Raja Dwivedi supported him a lot. Although this character of Andy Arora in the film was very challenging for him, but during the shooting of the film, he enjoyed his character a lot.
You can watch the trailer of the movie Addiction on the given channel link
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