The best educaƟon consultancy for MBBS Abroad


In the realm of medical educaƟon, the pursuit of an MBBS degree abroad represents a significant milestone for many aspiring doctors. Among the plethora of educaƟonal consultancies offering guidance to students, DREAM MBBS STUDY ABROAD LLP emerges as a beacon of excellence, dedicaƟon, and unparalleled experƟse, parƟcularly for those looking to embark on their medical journey in Uzbekistan, Russia & other countries.

DREAM MBBS disƟnguishes itself from the compeƟƟon through its singular focus on the MBBS program exclusively from foreign universiƟes. This undivided aƩenƟon ensures that students receive the most comprehensive and tailored guidance, aiding them in navigaƟng the complexiƟes ofinternaƟonal medical educaƟon. Unlike other consultancies that might dilute their experƟse across
various disciplines, DREAM MBBS’s dedicaƟon to solely facilitaƟng MBBS admissions abroad allows for
a depth of knowledge and service that is unmatched.

The consultancy’s experƟse shines brightest when it comes to facilitaƟng MBBS studies in Uzbekistan, a desƟnaƟon that has gained popularity among Indian students thanks to DREAM MBBS’s pioneering efforts. InsƟtuƟons like Samarkand State Medical University and Tashkent Medical Academy have become sought-aŌer choices for Indian students, largely due to DREAM MBBS’s extensive operaƟons and deep-rooted connecƟons within the country. As one of the first companies to promote Uzbekistan as a viable opƟon for Indian students, DREAM MBBS has played a pivotal role in popularizing this path
through excepƟonal service and dedicaƟon. The consultancy is also the first to promote and bring
Krasnoyarsk State Medical University among Indian students aspiring to study MBBS from Russia.

Adding to its comprehensive suite of services, DREAM MBBS STUDY ABROAD LLP extends its educaƟonal outreach through a dynamic presence on YouTube. Recognizing the power of digital media in today’s informaƟon age, the consultancy has established a YouTube channel that serves as a vital
resource for students aspiring to study medicine abroad. This plaƞorm is regularly updated with informaƟve videos that cover a wide range of topics, from detailed guides on admission processes to insights into life at various medical universiƟes in Uzbekistan, Russia and other countries. The channel
also features tesƟmonials from successful students, providing prospecƟve applicants with a glimpse
into the real-world experiences and success stories facilitated by DREAM MBBS. This iniƟaƟve not only
demonstrates DREAM MBBS’s commitment to leveraging modern technology for educaƟonal purposes
but also ensures that students have access to reliable and up-to-date informaƟon at their fingerƟps,
further solidifying DREAM MBBS’s reputaƟon as a leader in the field of medical educaƟon consultancy.

Benefits of Choosing DREAM MBBS:

SpecializaƟon in MBBS Abroad: By focusing exclusively on MBBS programs abroad, DREAM MBBS offers specialized knowledge and services tailored to the needs of medical students.

ExperƟse in Uzbekistan Medical UniversiƟes: With vast operaƟons in Uzbekistan, DREAM MBBS provides unmatched guidance for students choosing to study at top medical universiƟes like Samarkand State Medical University and Tashkent Medical Academy.

ExperƟse in Russian Medical UniversiƟes: DREAM MBBS proudly holds the disƟncƟon of being an
official partner of Bashkir State Medical University and Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. This presƟgious partnership posiƟons the consultancy uniquely to offer unparalleled guidance and premium services to students seeking medical educaƟon at an accessible cost. Specifically tailored to accommodate the financial constraints of middle-class families, DREAM MBBS leverages these

collaboraƟons to ensure that aspiring medical professionals can pursue their dreams without the burden of exorbitant expenses. This strategic alliance underscores DREAM MBBS’s commitment to making quality medical educaƟon abroad both aƩainable and affordable, thereby opening doors for
numerous students to advance their careers in medicine with financial peace of mind.

ProtecƟon from Scams: DREAM MBBS safeguards students from potenƟal scams, ensuring a secure and reliable admission process.

Comprehensive Support: From applicaƟon to admission, DREAM MBBS offers end-to-end support, including visa processing, accommodaƟon, and local guidance, making the transiƟon to studying abroad as smooth as possible.

PromoƟon of Uzbekistan as a DesƟnaƟon: Through its efforts, DREAM MBBS has not only facilitated
access to quality educaƟon in Uzbekistan but also promoted the country as a premier desƟnaƟon for
MBBS studies among Indian students.

The Driving Force: Dr Mrinal
At the heart of DREAM MBBS’s success is Dr Mrinal, a visionary who has himself graduated from abroad
and dedicated his career to ensuring Indian students receive the best possible medical educaƟon
overseas. Dr Mrinal’s firsthand experience with the challenges and opportuniƟes of studying medicine
abroad has been instrumental in shaping the consultancy’s mission. His commitment to saving students from scams and providing them with a brighter future is a testament to the consultancy’s ethos of trust, reliability, and student-centered service.

In conclusion, for students dreaming of an MBBS degree from abroad, DREAM MBBS STUDY ABROAD LLP stands out as the best educaƟon consultancy. Its focused approach, deep experƟse in Uzbekistan’s medical educaƟon landscape, and commitment to student welfare make it the go-to choice for aspiring medical professionals. With DREAM MBBS, students are not just embarking on an educaƟonal journey;
they are stepping into a future filled with promise, guided by a team that cares deeply about their

The corporate office of DREAM MBBS STUDY ABROAD LLP is located at 115, 1st Floor, Ithum Tower A, Noida Sector-62, Delhi-NCR, India-201301 You can contact them at their tollfree number 18002020041 or, 01204553603.

Their official WhatsApp
support number is +919835070170. You can also write an E-Mail at for
support or guidance. Their official website is
You can visit their Youtube at hƩps://

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