From Crisis to Resilience: Impact-Driven Stories of Lives Transformed by SEEDS’ Emergency Response

New Delhi [India], August 23: In times of disaster, emergency responders play a crucial role in providing immediate relief and support to affected communities. Their efforts can mean the difference between life and death, helping to stabilize situations and lay the groundwork for recovery. According to the World Bank, natural disasters push 26 million people […]

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SEEDS Champions Nature-Based Solutions to Revive Water Bodies Across India

New Delhi (India), June 5: On World Environment Day 2024 join the Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS) on their exciting journey  implementing nature-based solutions in a series of successful projects that are reviving and rejuvenating water bodies across the country. Through community involvement, these initiatives mark significant steps in checking coastal erosion, heritage […]

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Interim Budget 2024: Industry leaders across sectors give thumbs up

New Delhi (India), February 5: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented her sixth Budget on February 1. This was an interim budget ahead of the general elections later this year. The Interim Budget 2024 focused on youth and women empowerment, while maintaining fiscal consolidation and continuing capex, hinting continued investment focus across sectors infra, housing, […]

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शोध: लाखों लोगों को शुद्ध पानी दे सकते हैं सहजन के बीज

एक नए शोध में पता चला है कि सहजन के बीज शुद्ध पानी दे सकते है, ये पानी को शुद्ध करने में इतने सहायक हो सकते हैं कि विकासशील देशों में बेहद कम कीमत पर लाखों लोगों को शुद्ध जल मुहैया करा सकते हैं। सहजन का उपयोग सब्जी और प्राकृतिक तेलों के लिए किया जाता […]

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