Title Song “Pyaar Hai Toh Hai” from Debut Film of Karan Hariharan and Paanie Kashyap is now on Ultra Music – Featuring Sensational Singers Armaan Malik and Palak Muchhal

Karan Hariharan and Paanie Kashyap in the song Karan Hariharan and Paanie Kashyap’s movie “Pyaar Hai Toh Hai”, title song is out now Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], September 15: The enchanting world of Bollywood is buzzing with excitement as the much-awaited title song, Pyaar Hai Toh Hai, from the debut film of Karan Hariharan and Paanie […]

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“Pyaar Hai Toh Hai” Poster Unveiled: A Captivating Blend of Shadows and Gradients, Inviting You to Experience Love’s Timeless Journey!

Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], August 3: The poster of the Hindi Film, “Pyaar Hai Toh Hai” was released today on social media and is already creating curiosity in the industry circle for its freshness and innovative approach. In a captivating display of artistic allure, the poster of “Pyaar Hai Toh Hai” evokes emotions that dance between […]

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