
Actor Producer Bharat Jadhav Overcomes Failed Hair Treatment with the Help from New Roots

New Roots emerging as a destination for transformative procedures New Delhi [India], February 27: Mumbai [India], February 27, 2025:  New Roots Skin Hair Laser Clinic, a pioneering leader in hair restoration and transplant procedures, continues to achieve remarkable success stories. Renowned Marathi actor-producer Bharat Jadhav, celebrated for his role in the hit movie Jatra and appearances in over […]

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Transforming Lives: Dr. Nilesh Pund Restored Prasad Khandekar’s Confidence

Renowned Marathi TV Actor Prasad Khandekar Reveals Secret to His New Look: A Successful Hair Transplant by Dr. Nilesh Pund, Founder New Roots Aurangabad (Maharashtra) [India], August 13:  Prasad Khandekar, best known for his work in the Marathi-language comedy show “Maharashtrachi Hasyajatra,” is a multifaceted talent with a significant presence in television, films, and writing. […]

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New Root Delivering Stellar Hair Restoration Services!

Aurangabad (Maharashtra) [India], April 20: New Roots Skin Hair Laser Clinic, a pioneering leader in hair restoration and transplant procedures is successfully evolving as a destination for transformative procedures. As a partner in the journey to renewed confidence and a positive self-image, it is making strides in helping people with hair restoration. The esteemed clinic, recently […]

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