New Delhi (India), March 8: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a ceremony held at Delhi’s Bharat Mandapam, bestowed the first-ever National Creators Award upon Ranveer Allahbadia, popularly known as ‘BeerBiceps’ in the digital space. The prestigious award, initiated by the Prime Minister’s Office, aims to honor outstanding contributions in various domains, including storytelling, social change advocacy, environmental sustainability, education, gaming, and technology.
Ranveer Allahbadia, recognized for his profound impact and innovation, was presented with the ‘Disruptor of the Year’ award, celebrating his exceptional journey and significant influence in the field of content creation. His multifaceted approach towards fostering self-guided improvement has garnered widespread acclaim and admiration.
Commenting on the occasion, Prime Minister Modi reiterated the significance of acknowledging the burgeoning talent in India’s content creation landscape, stating, “Social media has helped a lot in showcasing people’s skills and talents. Youngsters in India are doing wonders in the field of content creation. To honor their talent, the National Creators Award has been initiated.”
The journey of Ranveer Allahbadia, from focusing solely on fitness content to diversifying into lifestyle, fashion, entrepreneurship, and mental health advocacy, exemplifies his relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation. His YouTube channels, boasting millions of subscribers, stand as a testament to his widespread influence and resonance across diverse demographics.
In 2019, BeerBiceps launched ‘The Ranveer Show – TRS,’ featuring renowned personalities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Priyanka Chopra, and Sadhguru.
TheRanveerShow became India’s top-ranked podcast in 2024.
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