Kreative Art Classes -Enrollment for USA & Canada


Kreative Minds has been teaching online/overseas even before COVID19 made the world switch to digital in everything forcefully. Kreative Minds’ instructors are well verse with the Online teaching and mentoring methods since 2017-18. We started our first online classes in California and its makes me feel very happy that today we are in many parts of USA and Canada, parts of Europe and South Africa.

Once again we have opened our enrollment for the new session 2023-24 for the USA and Canada region for Fine Arts learning for the young group.

There is no age to start the learning/practicing of anything that we love and feel for. Even though the enrollment is open for youngsters, we with open heart welcome all enquiry from any age group and are willing to be a part of their artistic journey.

Kreative Minds has learners from the age of 4.5 years to 75+ years. We believe in not just teaching but understanding what Art & Culture is from the depth of its soul.

For details, Please visit us