After the success of her “Dimple yeta galavar” song Shreya has entered into the world of daily soaps. After the challenging role of ‘Saudamini’ that she played in “Jai Jai swami Samartha” Shreya is now spotted on the set of known serial “Baalumama chya navana Chang bhala”
Shreya when asked said that “I am playing a role of dancer Mina and this is around a month track for this character. Shreya after her journey into Albums is now seen working on the sets of daily soaps as she says she loves to work for daily soaps as it’s a regular work and thus sharps the acting skills.
Shreya is seen dancing with other two co-artists with her as dancers. Shreya wears nauvari with a big red tika on forehead in this look of her new character Mina in “Baalumama chya navane chang bhala”.
This serial is said to be on the floor of Colors Marathi since too long i.e around 4-5 years. Shreya shares the photo with the lead of serial “Sumeet Punawale” as Baalumama in this serial. We give our best wishes to Shreya Kulkarni for her further career and life .