New Delhi (India), March 6: The fashion world converged at the Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan to celebrate the remarkable contributions of two legendary designers with the prestigious India Fashion Awards organised by FDCI. The awards were followed by a grand fashion show “Threads of Bharat”, featuring the works of some of India’s noted couturiers. The event, attended by over 800 distinguished guests, witnessed the Union Minister Piyush Goyal present the ‘Designer of the Decade’ award to Sabyasachi Mukherjee and the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ to veteran designer Ritu Kumar.
On the inaugural day of Bharat Tex 2024, India’s largest global textile event under the aegis of the Ministry of Textiles, the Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI) showcased a spectacular medley of fashion which was followed by the award ceremony.
The Designer of the Decade, Sabyasachi, creator of India’s foremost luxury house founded in 1999 in Kolkata having marked 25 years of redefining luxury was the first to be felicitated. Sabyasachi stands out for his having preserved Indian craftsmanship, fostering innovation, and collaborating with major international brands. Aiming to create India’s first global luxury super brand, spanning various categories the recognition was well deserved.
The Lifetime Achievement Awardee Ritu Kumar also bestowed with a Padma Shree, has to her credit the blending of ancient Indian craftsmanship with contemporary styles. She pioneered the boutique culture in India, leading a multi-brand fashion empire. Her creations encompass fashion, couture, ready-to-wear, home, and fusion wear, leaving an indelible mark on the Indian fashion landscape.
FDCI Chairman, Sunil Sethi described the event as “iconic” in the journey of Indian craftsmanship appropriately recognized as part of the India Fashion Awards.
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