Bhavna Kumari, a 17-year-old prodigy from Pinnour Public School, Delhi, has achieved a remarkable accomplishment as she secures her spot as a finalist in the esteemed Alee Club 25th Miss & Mr Teen India 2023 pageant. Celebrated as India’s oldest and largest teenage pageant, the event proudly holds its place in the illustrious Limca Book Record and is skillfully directed by the renowned show director, The Rampguru Sambita Bose.
The nationwide auditions for the star-studded Alee Club Teen India pageant witnessed an overwhelming response from aspirational young talents between the ages of 13 and 19, all vying for their chance to shine on the grand stage in this silver jubilee edition.
Bhavna Kumari’s exceptional talent and determination propelled her to victory during the initial screening round, securing her coveted place in the highly anticipated Semi-Final Round.
The captivating Semi-Final Round of Alee Club Teen India 2023 took place on July 9, 2023, at the prestigious Radisson Blu in Paschim Vihar, Delhi. This spectacular event featured an esteemed panel of judges, including the acclaimed Cinestar Varun Badola, the renowned Rampguru Sambita Bose, and the celebrated MTV Super Model and Actors Swapna Priyadarsini, Stefy Patel, and Rohit Raghav. Varun Badola, a seasoned actor, expressed admiration for Alee Club, lauding its commitment to providing an unparalleled platform for Indian teenagers over the past 24 years, enabling them to establish successful careers in acting and modeling.
After meticulous evaluation of the abundant talent displayed by participants nationwide in the Semi-Final Round of Alee Club Miss Teen India 2023 & Alee Club Mr Teen India 2023, Bhavna Kumari emerged as a shining star. Her outstanding performance has filled her city and parents with immense pride as she secures a coveted spot in the highly anticipated Grand Finale. The Grand Finale, scheduled for August, will be graced by the illustrious Mega Star Arbaaz Khan, along with the eminent Show Director Rampguru Sambita Bose and various other Bollywood celebrities.
To provide an exclusive behind-the-scenes experience, the organizers have launched a captivating reality series, “The Journey to Glory,” that captures the contestants’ exciting journey. This thrilling series can be enjoyed free of charge on their official YouTube channel, “The Silver Screen.”
Additionally, the voting lines will soon be open, allowing the entire nation to actively participate in the exhilarating race towards crowning the winners of India’s most prestigious and widely recognized pageant for teens.
To cast your vote and show support for these exceptionally talented contestants, follow the official Teen India page on Instagram at
About Alee Club Miss & Mr. Teen India 2023: The Alee Club 25th Miss & Mr Teen India 2023 is India’s Oldest, The biggest and the Only Limca Book Record Holder teenage pageant that has been igniting the dreams of young Indians for the past 24 years. With its silver jubilee edition, the pageant provides an extraordinary platform for aspiring teenagers aged 13 to 19 to showcase their talents in acting and modeling, empowering them to shine on the grandest stage of all.