New Delhi (India), May 11: The makers of Auhaam have dropped the gripping trailer for their upcoming thriller movie. Starring a fresh cast: Varun Suri, Hriday Singh, and Divya Malik is a cop thriller with an original storyline. The Ankit Hans directorial and Mukul Verma writing revolves around a missing case and will keep you engaged and questioning till the end. The film built an intrigue leaving the audience asking what the film is all about #AuhaamHaiKya and revealing the subsequent day that the superstar making a comeback is none other than a blockbuster original content.
Watch the trailer of Auhaam here:
The film has been outstandingly directed with a solid and a gripping storyline as can be seen in the trailer. The trailer looks extremely promising, increasing the anticipation amongst the audience. From the screenplay, to the acting to the background music everything seems to fit in and be spot on.
Producer Richa Gupta proudly presents this new film to the audience with conviction and determination. Being a PhD in finance, a Kathak exponent, and an advisory member of cbfc delhi she left the finance field to follow her passion in the creative domain. With a National award in Kathak and an experience in producing musicals she has tried her hand in films this time.
The Richa Gupta Films production is releasing on 26th May 2023, the film will be distributed Pan India by UFO Moviez, music will be present on Zee Music Company. Are you as intrigued as us to know what this fresh film is all about?
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